Marisa Abrajano
"White Backlash provides an authoritative assessment of how immigration is reshaping the politics of the nation. Using an array of data and analysis, Marisa Abrajano and Zoltan Hajnal show that fears about immigration fundamentally influence white Americans' core political identities, policy preferences, and electoral choices, and that these concerns are at the heart of a large-scale defection of whites from the Democratic to the Republican Party....
Abrajano (political science, U. of California-San Diego) investigates whether ethnic political campaigns are successful at winning ethnic minority votes, and examines the consequences, if any, that ethnic political campaigns have on the political health and well being of that segment of the ethnic group being targeted. To these ends, she looks at the Spanish-language and English-language televised political advertisements created for the 2000 and...
Making up 14.2 percent of the American population, Hispanics are now the largest minority group in the United States. Clearly, securing the Hispanic vote is more important to political parties than ever before. Yet, despite the current size of the Hispanic population, is there a clear Hispanic politics? Who are Hispanic voters? What are their political preferences and attitudes, and why? The first comprehensive study of Hispanic voters in the United...