Theodor W. Adorno
"This work by the foremost philosopher of music in the twentieth century aims to define a sociology of music which encompasses more than an awareness of societal structures in their relation to musical phenomena. Adorno does not work from a simple contrast between music production and musical reception. He traces social elements in the musical forms themselves, then relates them once more to general social phenomena on the one hand and to musical...
A brilliant collection of short essays on literary subjects--e.g. Beckett, Balzac, Proust, Thomas Mann, Dickens, Goethe, Heine, the lyric, realism, the essay, and the contemporary novel--by the great social theorist (1903-1969), originally published in 1958 as Noten zur literature (Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main), and here translated by Adorno's former student, Shierry Weber Nicholsen. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.