Geoffrey Ashe
The partnership of writer and photographer has resulted in this fascinating approach to one of the most famous of legends. Advances in archaeology and the re-appraisal of documents have opened up new perspectives for all who go in quest of its rich mythology and absorbing interest. Here is a personal survey by one of the world's leading Arthurian scholars of the chief locations associated with the legend. It not only recalls the stories but describes...
Highly readable and wide ranging, this fascinating account is the definitve work on the much debated and controversial subject of prophecy. What do the fall of Troy, the birth of Christ, and the Soviet Union have in common? Prophets have predicted these events, and here is fresh insight into these ever-intriguing, ever-amazing seers. The comprehensive coverage extends from priests and stargazers to the Oracle at Delphi to modern attempts to find the...
"The Hell-Fire Clubs are legendary. Geoffrey Ashe has assembled the most complete and accurate account of the Clubs and of their antecedents and descendants. At the centre is his account of the principal brotherhood known by the Hell-Fire name, Sir Francis Dashwood's notorious Monks of Medmenham, with their strange rituals and initiation rites, library of erotica and nun companions recruited from the brothels of London. From this maverick group flow...