William Ashworth
"Great Lakes Journey is a follow-up to William Ashworth's earlier book The Late, Great Lakes, published in 1986. Fifteen years after his first trip, Ashworth journeys to many of the same places and talks to many of the same people to examine the changes that have taken place along the Great Lakes since the 1980s. Great Lakes Journey is a poetic account of his 6,000-mile trip, mixed with explanations of the scientific and political realities behind...
The Left Hand of Eden contributes to the growing, often contentious debate on wilderness and forest practices, but does so from an unusual perspective - that of an environmentalist advocating abandonment of wilderness preservation. Ashworth argues that wilderness preservation is a form of separation from the land and, as such, is as harmful to nature as logging or mining. Treating nature as something "other"--Whether to preserve it or destroy it -...
Weaving together history, science, and personal experience, ranging from Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations to Leontief analysis and wilderness zoning, The Economy of Nature offers a blueprint for a greener and more prosperous world. It states quite bluntly that in the debate over wilderness preservation versus economic growth, both sides are wrong, and that a third path is not only possible but necessary. This third path is not a compromise between...