Stephen E Atkins
This two-volume encyclopedia on the September 11th attacks of 2001 provides in-depth coverage of the participants in the September 11th plot, the sequence of events on the day itself, the reasons American intelligence and law enforcement failed to prevent the attacks, and the various conspiracy theories that have emerged in subsequent years.
"These 290 alphabetically organized entries detail the notorious and often violent histories, activities, and beliefs of the most active and influential extremists and extremist groups in operation around the world. Atkins highlights the dark truth that people of all ideologies, religions, regions, and races share a readiness for violence." "A majority of the book's entries focuses on extremist activity since 1980. Many entries provide historical...
For librarian Atkins (Texas A & M U.), an extremist movement, group, or organization deviates from normal economic, political, religious, or social standards; and an extremist individual pursues polices or practices that are far outside the societal norm of personal behavior. He excludes criminals who merely seek personal gain. The period he considers ranges from the founding of the Ku Klux Klan in December 1866, to the December 2001 arrest of Clayton...