Alan Ayckbourn
4) Three plays
"A scathing comedy of social striving in the suburbs, Absurd Person Singular follows the fortunes of three couples who turn up in each other's kitchens on three successive Christmases, to hilarious and devastating effect. In Absent Friends, Diana and Paul host a tea party for Colin, recently returned to England after the tragic drowning of his fiancée. But Colin proves impervious to their awkward attempts to console him as he unwittingly touches...
Premiered at the Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough, in June 1998, 'Comic Potential' is a science-fiction comedy-thriller. In the near future, an android develops emotions and an aspiring writer falls in love with her. But where he sees potential, others see only a malfunction - leading to the question, what makes us human?
Set in a near dystopian future, a dominatrix flees for her life through a hotel communicating door only to find herself 20 years in the past as a result of which she is stalked by a psychopath in the present and the past. The opportunity to alter time for the better puts the lives of three women at stake. 'Communicating Doors' premiered in February 1994 at the Stephen Joseph Theatre in the Round, Scarborough.
"In this "bracing comedy...unflinching in its misanthropy" (David Richards, The New York Times), Alan Ayckbourn is a modern-day Diogenes, holding up a lantern to contemporary society, searching for an honest man. The beam falls on Jack McCracken as he confidently steps in to improve the faltering family furniture business, Ayres & Graces. His family applauds good old Jack as he extols the virtue of basic trust while they're scheming to protect the...