Babrius is the reputed author of a collection (discovered in the 19th century) of more than 125 fables based on those called Aesop's, in Greek verse. He may have been a hellenised Roman living in Asia Minor during the late 1st century of our era. The fables are all in one metre and in very good style, humorous and pointed. Some are original. Phaedrus, born in Macedonia, flourished in the early half of the 1st century of our era. Apparently a slave...
BABRIUS is the reputed author of a collection (discovered in the 19th century) of more than 125 fables based on 'Aesop's', in Greek verse. He may have been a 'Hellenised' Roman living in Asia Minor during the late 1st century after Christ. The fables are all in one metre and in very good style, terse, humorous and pointed. Some are original. PHAEDRUS, born in Macedonia, flourished in the early half of the 1st century after Christ. Apparently a slave...