Max Beckmann
1) Max Beckmann
"Max Beckmann (1884-1950) is widely acknowledged as one of Germany's leading painters of the twentieth century. His work has affinities with Expressionism and, in the 1920, with Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity)." "This collaboration, an association between the Pompidou Centre, Tate Modern and The Museum of Modern Art, marks the first occasion since the 1960s that Paris, London and New York have hosted comprehensive surveys dedicated to Beckmann's...
"One of the greatest German painters of the 20th century, Max Beckmann came to America in the mid-1940s and settled in St. Louis. There he met the retailer and collector Morton D. May. By the time May died, in 1983, he had amassed a comprehensive collection of Beckmann's oeuvre, most of which he bequeathed to the Saint Louis Art Museum (SLAM). The stunning breadth and power of Beckmann's work are explored in this volume, which examines all thirty-nine...