Smith Palmer Bovie
The works of Terence have been part of the world's heritage of dramatic literature for more than two thousand years--and they are still being staged and enjoyed. In English translations that achieve a lively readability without sacrificing the dramatic and comic impact of the original Latin, this volume presents all six comedies: The Girl from Andros (Andria), The Self-Tormentor (Heautontimorumenos), The Eunuch (Eunouchus), Phormio, The Brothers (Adelphoe),...
3) Menander
These comedies by Menander reveal that the oft-employed theme of mistaken identity is as old as the Great Dionysia.
Teachers and students will find that this edition remains loyal to the Greek originals without confining itself to the literalism that has made many previous translations unusable in the classroom and inaccessible to general readers. These translations promise to become the standard for decades to come, introducing readers to the timelessness...