Hugh Bowden
"This is the first book to describe and explain all of the ancient world's major mystery cults -- one of the most intriguing but least understood aspects of Greek and Roman religion. In the nocturnal Mysteries at Eleusis, participants dramatically re-enacted the story of Demeter's loss and recovery of her daughter Persephone; in the Bacchic cult, bands of women ran wild in the Greek countryside to honor Dionysus; and in the mysteries of Mithras, men...
"This Chronology of World Christianity may be seen as a diary, a listing of events in Christianity all over the world, year by year, month by month and sometimes day by day, from the time of Jesus to the present. The strength of a chronology over a history is that it can set side by side events taking place in different parts of the world. The compactness of the presentation makes it possible to view a wide horizon. The mere variety of developments,...