Jan Harold Brunvand
A fabulously entertaining book from the ultimate authority on those almost believable tales that always happen to a "friend of a friend." Alligators in the sewers? A pet in the microwave? A tragic misunderstanding of the function of cruise control? No, it didn't really happen to your friend's sister's neighbor: it's an urban legend. And no matter how savvy you think you are, you are sure to find in this collection of over 200 tales at least one story...
America's premiere folk detective is back on the case, sniffing out those zany but dubious stories that "really happened" to a friend of your sister's boyfriend's accountant's mechanic. Jan Harold Brunvand - "Mr. Urban Legend" (Smithsonian) - tracks the most fabulous tales making today's cocktail-party circuit and shows why those stories that sound too good to be true probably are too good to be true. The Baby Train offers a revealing peek behind...
"Written expressly for the introductory undergraduate course, The Study of American Folklore provides students with solid and succinct definitions, illuminating and engaging examples, and up-to-date resources for further reading, all framed within an organization that is flexible and teachable." "New to the Fourth Edition are 67 "Focus" points that offer students in-depth examples of folk genres, research methods, and theoretical approaches. Designed...