Robert Bryce
" ... exposes the false promises behind the rhetoric while blasting nearly everybody - Republicans, Democrats, environmentalists, and war-mongering neoconservatives - for misleading voters about our energy needs ... explains why the idea of energy independence appeals to voters while also showing that renewable sources like wind and solar cannot meet America's growing energy demand. Along the way, Bryce eviscerates the ethanol scam. Whether the issue...
"If, in the ancient world, it was guns and germs and steel that determined the fates of people and nations, in modern times it is electricity. No other form of power translates into affluence and influence like it. Though demand for it is growing exponentially, it remains one of the most difficult forms of energy to supply and to do so reliably. Storage is even harder. This paradox has shaped global politics, affected the outcome of wars, and underlies...
Another contrarian assessment of America's energy situation--and the gulf between the goals of the green movement and our vast need for power--by the author of Gusher of Lies. Armed with fully footnoted facts and revealing graphics, Bryce explains why most of the hype about renewable energy and "green" technology is just that--hype. He shows why renewable sources like wind and solar are not "green" and why they cannot provide the scale of energy that...