Philip Burnham
The great Native American warriors and their resistance to the United States government in the war against the Plains Indians is a well known chapter in the story of the American West. In the aftermath of the great resistance, as the Indian nations recovered from war, many figures loomed heroic yet their stories are mostly unknown. Dewey Beard, a Lakota who witnessed the Battle of Little Bighorn and survived the Wounded Knee Massacre, led a remarkable...
"The mythology of "gifted land" is strong in the National Park Service, but some of our greatest parks were "gifted," by people who had little if any choice in the matter. Places like the Grand Canyon's south rim and Glacier had to be bought, finagled, borrowed - or taken by force - when Indian occupants and owners resisted the call to contribute to the public welfare. The story of national parks and Indians is, depending on perspective, a costly...