Stewart Burns
"The Montgomery bus boycott was a formative moment in twentieth-century history: a harbinger of the African American freedom movement, a springboard for the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr., and a crucial step in the struggle to realize the American dream of liberty and equality for all. In Daybreak of Freedom, Stewart Burns presents a groundbreaking documentary history of the boycott. Using an extraordinary array of more than one hundred original...
"More than a biography, To the Mountaintop is the history of a turbulent epoch that changed the course of American and world history. Moral warrior and nonviolent apostle; man of God rocked by fury, fear, and guilt; rational thinker driven by emotional and spiritual truth - Martin Luther King Jr. struggled to reconcile these divisions in his soul. Here is an intimate narrative of his intellectual and spiritual journey from cautious liberal, to reluctant...
Published on the 200th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, this is a sweeping chronicle of the struggle for political and economic justice. Pulitzer Prize-winning historian James MacGregor Burns and Stewart Burns trace America's tenuous hold on freedom from the time of the 13 colonies' exclusionist voting practices to Ronald Reagan's campaign against the First Amendment reinforced by private "new right" groups and fundamentalists....