George Gordon Byron Byron
Byron was a superb letter-writer: almost all his letters, whatever the subject or whoever the recipient, are enlivened by his wit, his irony, his honesty, and the sharpness of his observation of people. They provide a vivid self-portrait of the man who, of all his contemporaries, seems to express attitudes and feelings most in tune with the twentieth century. In addition, they offer a mirror of his own time. This first collected edition of all Byron's...
Byron was a superb letter-writer: almost all his letters, whatever the subject or whoever the recipient, are enlivened by his wit, his irony, his honesty, and the sharpness of his observation of people. They provide a vivid self-portrait of the man who, of all his contemporaries, seems to express attitudes and feelings most in tune with the twentieth century. In addition, they offer a mirror of his own time. This first collected edition of all Byron's...
8) Byron
This edition presents the most comprehensive selection of Byron's poetry and prose ever collected in a single volume. The poetry section includes the complete texts of his masterpieces, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Don Juan, as well as representative examples of his satires, tales, plays, and short poems. Among the selected prose entries are letters, journal excerpts, essays, and other formal prose. These texts are, in every case, based on the most...
"This is a critical edition of the collected letters of John Murray to Lord Byron whose works Murray published. These letters have never been published before, nor indeed (except in rare instances) has access to them ever been granted. They tell us a great deal about Byron's works and the manner of their publication, and about the aims, literary interest and vicissitudes of his publisher. They reveal the very special (indeed intimate) relationship...