CBS News.
This series, filmed during the 1960's, brings a sense of immediacy to the rulings that still figure prominently in today's judicial discource. Program one, two and three spotlight key cases dealing with school prayer, bible reading in public schools, and free legal counsel for those who cannot afford to pay, while program four profiles five giants of jurisprudence: F. Lee Bailey, Melvin Belli, Percy Foreman, Louis Nizer, and Edward Bennett Williams....
This is the century that split the atom, probed the psyche, spliced genes, and cloned a sheep. Plastic, the silicon chip, and rock-and-roll were invented. Airplanes, rockets, satellites, televisions, computers, and atom bombs were built. Traditional ideas about logic, language, learning, mathematics, economics, and even space and time were overthrown and radically refashioned. This book presents the most influential leaders, artists, intellects, and...
Students will explore Africa's history and learn to what degree its colonial legacy continues to impact the continent. They will understand the causes, effects and possible solutions to major problems, such as hunger and diseases like HIV/AIDS, and discover how controversial international trade policies continue to contribute to Africa's underdevelopment.
5) Cyberstalker
Reports on potential dangers encountered online, with a special focus on the stalking of children through the Internet.
Examines the stormy passage of Civil Rights Bill H.R. 7152 through the House of Representatives. Filmed in 1964, it begins with a report on the controversial bill's history, from its introduction by John F. Kennedy to the eve of its debate on the Senate Floor. Following that report, Eric Sevareid moderates as Senators Hubert Humphrey and Strom Thurmon engage in a live television debate on the bill's merits. Film footage of John and Robert Kennedy,...
8) Gang terror
Explores America's gangland subculture, where belonging means power and status, and disloyalty means death. Looks at the lethal struggle between the Crips and the Bloods for a nationwide multi-million-dollar drug trade, the plight of residents of Chicago's gang-infested projects, the experiences of female gang members out to build their reputations, and the fight between police and gangs in Hartford for the hearts and minds of inner-city youths.