Michael Carroll
It's been thirty-five years since people last trod the dusty plains of the Moon. Over the course of six landings from 1969 to 1972, twelve men explored, four-wheeled, dug and hiked across the lunar surface. Now, NASA has plans for a seventh landing on the Moon. This time, they want to stay. NASA's plans, dubbed the Constellation architecture, involve the largest launch vehicle ever built, new types of propulsion, and a six-person vehicle to ferry...
What is a black hole? Where do they come from? How were they discovered? Can we visit one? Carolyn Cinami DeCristofano takes readers on a ride through the galaxies (ours, and others), answering these questions and many more about the phenomenon known as a black hole. The book starts off with a thorough explanation of gravity and the role it plays in the formation of black holes. Paintings by Michael Carroll, coupled with real telescopic images, help...
"With Alien Volcanoes, Rosaly M.C. Lopes and Michael W. Carroll offer a dynamic tour of volcanic activity across the solar system. Through eight gracefully written chapters laced with gripping photographs and stunning artwork, Lopes and Carroll survey the complete spectrum of volcanism in time and location, from the solar system's origin to the modern era and from the familiar shield volcanoes of the terrestrial worlds to the bizarre superchilled...
In 1922 American paleontologist Roy Chapman Andrews led an archeological expedition into Mongolia's Gobi Desert and uncovered one of the richest dinosaur graveyards in the world. Political conflicts forced him to leave before he had even scratched the surface of the treasure below. In 1997, two paleontologists, Mike Novacek and Mark Norell, were allowed to return, retracing Chapman's steps and unearthing some groundbreaking finds of their own.