Center of Military History
Prieto examines the operation led by General John Pershing to search for, capture, and destroy Francisco "Pancho" Villa and his revolutionary army in northern Mexico in the year prior to the United States' entry into World War I. This campaign marked one of the final times cavalry was used on a large scale, and it was one of the first to use trucks and airplanes in the field. While Pershing's troops failed to capture Villa, both Regular Army troops...
"Describes the Union advance in the Shenandoah Valley in May 1864 that led to the Federal defeat at the Battle of New Market, Maj. Gen. David Hunter's destructive campaign later that spring culminating in his retreat from Lynchburg, and Maj. Gen. Jubal Early's subsequent Confederate offensive against the U.S. capital, resulting in the Battle of Monocacy in July. Also covered is Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan's tenure in command of Union forces in the Valley...
Eric Setzekorn summarizes the prewar United States Army, the initial American reaction to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914, and the factors that led to the U.S. declaration of war in April 1917. The narrative then examines how the U.S. Army transformed itself from a small constabulary force into a mass, industrialized army capable of engaging in modern warfare. The author covers stateside mobilization and training, the formation of the American...
"The Battle of Gettysburg attained a special aura that has distinguished it ever since. Boston journalist Charles Carleton Coffin dubbed it "the high water mark" of the rebellion, while others described it as the "turning point of the war." But it was President Lincoln who most eloquently expressed Gettysburg's significance. On 19 November 1863, Lincoln delivered "a few appropriate remarks" at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery that...
"[This brochure] details the disappointing first campaigns of the War of 1812. Although the United States declared war on Great Britain, events soon illustrated that the nation, as well as the Army, were ill-prepared for the conflict. On the battlefield, the Army's training, logistical, and leadership deficiencies resulted in a series of embarrassing defeats. Despite these setbacks, the Army ended the year looking optimistically toward the next campaign...
Many people mistakenly believe that the American Civil War ended when General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia evacuated the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, after a long siege and surrendered to his Union counterpart, Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, at Appomattox Court House on 9 April 1865. Although the capitulation of the South's premier field army foreshadowed the Confederacy's ultimate demise, important operations took place concurrent...
"Tells the story of several military campaigns against Indians in the Northwest Territory, the Army's role in suppressing the Whiskey Rebellion (1794), the quasi-war with France and confrontations with Spain, the influence of Jeffersonian politics on the Army's structure, and the Lewis and Clark Expedition"--Publisher's website.
The St. Mihiel salient, created during the initial German invasion in 1914, had withstood multiple French efforts to regain the territory. Yet even though the Germans had established strong defensive positions around St. Mihiel and its neighboring villages and towns, the salient was highly vulnerable to attack and was an optimal target for a potential American operation. Until this point in the war, members of the American Expeditionary Forces had...
"The U.S. Army before 1945 did not have and did not need a formal readiness reporting system. After World War II, however, it found itself committed to large-scale deployments in Europe and in the Pacific, commitments that with the Cold War would continue for the next 45 years. The demands of this war, along with the wars in Korea and Vietnam, made it vital that senior service leaders had accurate information on the readiness of units in the Regular...
"Examines the climactic military operations of the War of 1812. Most readers have heard of the legendary engagement of 8 January 1815 at New Orleans that has been told in song and story, but this publication puts it into the perspective of a much broader series of events" --publisher.
In The Chancellorsville Campaign, January-May 1863, the author examines the battle of Chancellorsville in which a powerful Union Army, under Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker, was pitted against a smaller but well-led Confederate force under General Robert E. Lee. Hooker planned a bold flanking maneuver to secure a Union victory, crush the rebel army, and open the way for a march toward Richmond, Virginia, the Confederate capital. Hooker anticipated a glorious...
Book Description: The War of 1812 is perhaps the United States' least known conflict. Other than Andrew Jackson's 1815 victory at New Orleans and Francis Scott Key's poem "The Star-Spangled Banner" written in 1814 during the British attack on Baltimore, most Americans know little about the country's second major war. Its causes are still debated by historians today. Great Britain's impressment of American sailors, its seizure of American ships on...
If the Civil War had a "forgotten theater," it was the Trans-Mississippi West. Starting in 1861 with the Lincoln administration's desire to maintain control of the far west, Jeffery Prushankin covers battles in New Mexico, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas, including Pea Ridge in March 1862 and Pleasant Hill in April 1864. The Red River Expedition and Price's Raid are also described. The narrative places these campaigns and battles in their...