Patrick Cheney
Marlowe's Counterfeit Profession presents the first comprehensive reading of the Marlowe canon in over a generation. The occasion for Patrick Cheney's rereading is a primary discovery: Marlowe organized his canon around an 'Ovidian' career model, or cursus, which turns from amatory poetry to tragedy and epic. Ovid had advertised this cursus only in his inaugural poem, the Amores, where its purpose was to counter the Virgilian cursus of pastoral, georgic...
This Companion seeks to bridge the current gap between Shakespeare's poems and plays, as well as between his 'theatrical' and his 'poetical' achievements. Chapters discuss the Sonnets, individual narrative poems, the topic of poetry in the plays, the special contexts important for viewing 'Shakespearean poetry', and the afterlife of this topic. The book presents Shakespeare as a pioneering author of poems and plays, one who remains committed to the...
"Shakespeare and Spenser: Attractive opposites is a much-needed volume that brings together ten original essays on the relations between Spenser and Shakespeare. There has been much noteworthy work on the linguistic borrowings of Shakespeare from Spenser, but the subject has never before been treated systematically; and the linguistic borrowings lead to broader-scale borrowings and influences which are treated here. An additional feature of the book...