"Here is a translation of the recorded thoughts and deeds that best remember Confucius - informed for the first time by the manuscript version found at Dingzhou in 1973, a partial text dating to 55 b.c.e. and only made available to the scholarly world in 1997. Based on the earliest Analects yet discovered, this translation provides us with a new perspective on the central canonical text that has defined Chinese culture - and clearly illuminates the...
This edition goes beyond others that largely leave readers to their own devices in understanding this cryptic work, by providing an entrée into the text that parallels the traditional Chinese way of approaching it: alongside Slingerland's exquisite rendering of the work are his translations of a selection of classic Chinese commentaries that shed light on difficult passages, provide historical and cultural context, and invite the reader to ponder...
Compiled by disciples of Confucius in the fourth century B.C.E., The Analects of Confucius is a collection of aphorisms and historical anecdotes embodying the basic values of the Cunfucian tradition: learning, morality, ritual, decorum, and filial piety. Reflecting the model eras of Chinese antiquity, the book is valued for its insights into the successful governance of the empire and its ideal organization of society. -- Jacket flap.
"Four Testaments brings together four foundational texts from world religions--the Tao Te Ching, Dhammapada, Analects of Confucius, and Bhagavad Gita--inviting readers to experience them in full, to explore possible points of connection and divergence, and to better understand people who practice these traditions"--
Read by millions of students since its first publication, The Norton Anthology of World Literature remains the most- trusted anthology of world literature available. Guided by the advice of more than 500 teachers of world literature and a panel of regional specialists, the editors of the Third Edition--a completely new team of scholar- teachers--have made this respected text brand-new in all the best ways. Dozens of new selections and translations,...