Inc Country Watch
1) Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is a Middle Eastern Islamic Kingdom possessing one of the largest concentrations of oil wealth in the world.
2) Syria
Syria is a Middle Eastern state caught in a brutal civil war between the historic Assad regime and pro-democracy "Arab Spring" rebels.
3) Afghanistan
The central focus of this video about Afghanistan is on the war on terror. Afghanistan is also a country rich with culture, history, panoramic landscapes and strong media interest.
4) Kenya
Kenya is a leader in economic growth in Africa, home to panoramic wildlife vistas, and has a rich cultural history.
5) Mexico
Mexico is a Latin American leader on the US southern border with a rapidly growing population and economy and is a strategic interest to the US.
6) Russia
Russia is an economic powerhouse spanning Europe and Asia and is increasingly asserting its influence in the post-Cold War Era.
7) Yemen
Yemen is a Middle Eastern country on the southern border with Saudi Arabia and a center of terroristic activity for Al Qaeda.
8) South Korea
South Korea is an Asian democracy with a rapidly growing industrial base and a tension filled border with North Korea.
9) North Korea
North Korea is one of the most politically isolated nations in the world with eccentric leadership, nuclear weapons and erratic foreign policy.
10) India
India is an Asian superpower and rival of China for economic supremacy in the Asian region. It is also a key industrial and technical growth center.
11) Iran
Iran is a Middle Eastern Islamic republic in the spotlight for their fundamentalist Islamic views, oil resources and nuclear program.
12) Tunisia
Tunisia's "Jasmine Revolution" sparked the Arab Spring in the Middle East and North Africa. Tunisia is transitioning to multi-party democracy.
13) Brazil
Brazil is the center of political and economic activity in South America with major agricultural, energy, and mineral resources.
14) Indonesia
Indonesia is one of the Asian tigers with rapidly growing population, as well as, mineral and industrial development.
15) Nauru
Nauru is one of the smallest countries in the world located in the South Pacific with an intriguing history.
16) Iraq
Iraq is the focal point of the Bush Administration war on terror in the Middle East and an Arab country transitioning to the democracy.
17) Japan
Japan is a mature Asian superpower, industrial and technical growth center of Asia, and a G-8 nation with strong Western ties.
18) Israel
Israel is the Jewish State in the Middle East and magnet for Arabic tension with volatile borders with West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt.
19) China
China is rapidly becoming one of the world's economic and military superpowers with major economic and political aspirations.
20) Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe is ruled by Mugabe with an iron fist. Once the "bread basket" of Africa, it is now a country filled with disenfranchised farmers with eroded rights.