Margaret Crosland
"Draws attention to the struggles of women to enter the mainstream of French literature since 1876 and the special qualities of these French women writers"
List of illustrations : Illustration from Gyp's novel, La Fee -- Madeleine de Scudery, 1607-1701 -- Marie Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, Comtesse de La Fayette, 1633-1693 -- Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de Sevigne, 1626-1696 -- Anne Louise Germaine, Baronne de Stael Holstein,...
"Giorgio de Chirico, born in 1888, did not share the Surrealists' overt preoccupation with the erotic, and concealed within his work are the problems of his own sexuality and the way he tried unconsciously to solve them, obsessed as he was with memories of ancient mythology, nineteenth-century German philosophy, metaphysics and the secrets of creativity." "A loner, who never formally aligned himself with the Surrealists or any other artistic movement...