Sinéad Cusack
Twins Sebastian and Viola are separated after a shipwreck and believe each other dead. Viola disguises herself as a page boy, Cesario, to work for Duke Orsino and falls in love with him, but he loves Olivia, who falls in love with Cesario. Seeing Sebastian one day, she mistakes him for Cesario and marries him. The confusion is cleared up when Viola and Sebastian meet again, and the Duke marries Viola. The subplot concerns the efforts of Sir Toby and...
In 1912 young Lucy Honeychurch and her nervous chaperone embark on a grand tour of Italy. Alongside sweeping landscapes, Lucy encounters a suspect group of characters, including socialist Mr. Emerson and his working-class son George, who both surprise and intrigue her. When piqued interest turns to potential romance, Lucy is whisked away and eventually home to England, where her attention turns to Cecil Vyse. When George appears in England determined...
Anna, a midwife at a North London hospital, finds the diary of a Russian teenager who dies giving birth to a baby, and resolves to find the young girls' relatives in the hopes of providing the orphaned child with a loving family. As Anna follows the clues the diary provides, she finds evidence of a local Russian mob's criminal activities, and meets Nikolai, a formidable mob enforcer. Anna and Nikolai find themselves growing close as the Russian mobsters...
Set in a future where Germany has won World War II and Britain has become a fascist state, this is the story of a young working-class woman, Evey, who is rescued from a life-and-death situation by a masked man known only as 'V.' Incomparably charismatic and ferociously skilled in the art of combat and deception, 'V' ignites a revolution when he urges his fellow citizens to rise up against tyranny and oppression. As Evey uncovers the truth about 'V's'...