Daniel Day-Lewis
Set in the turbulent streets of Lower Manhattan in the mid-nineteenth century, Martin Scorsese's "Gangs of New York" depicts the politically corrupt and volatile social climate of New York during the early years of the Civil War. Amsterdam Vallon (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) is a young Irish-American who has returned to New York, after fifteen years in a house of reform, to seek revenge against Bill the Butcher (Daniel Day-Lewis), nativist gang leader...
In 1846, waves of Irish immigrants poured into the New York neighborhood of Five Points. "Billy the Butcher" bands his fellow "Native Americans" into a gang to take on the Irish gang "The Dead Rabbits," organized by Priest Vallon. After a bloody clash Vallon is dead and his son ends up in a brutal reform school. In 1862, that boy returns to seek vengeance against the man that killed his father.
A down-and-out silver miner raising a son, self-made oilman Daniel Plainview has a voracious appetite for oil and it turns him into a California tycoon in the early years of the 20th century. Getting the oil from the ground is an intensely physical process that later broadens into Plainview's equally indomitable urge to control land and power. Along the way, Plainview deals with a mighty derrick fire, a visit from a long-lost brother, the ongoing...
4) Nine
With only a week left before shooting begins on the filming of his latest movie, world famous film director Guido Contini is desperately searching for a way to overcome his creative block. Escaping to a seaside resort, he attempts to restore the equilibrium to his personal and professional existence by drawing inspiration from the women in his life.
5) Lincoln
A revealing drama that focuses on the 16th president's tumultuous final months in office. In a nation divided by war and the strong winds of change, Lincoln pursues a course of action designed to end the war, unite the country, and abolish slavery. With the moral courage and fierce determination to succeed, his choices during this critical moment will change the fate of generations to come.