Phillip Hayes Dean
1) Paul Robeson
A powerful chronicle of the life of Paul Robeson, taking us from his childhood in New Jersey to his adult life around the world. An All-American athlete and a lawyer with Columbia Law School credentials, Robeson faces the racism prevalent in society in early part of the twentieth century. He strives to rise above, and it is his triumph in that struggle that turns Robeson into a modern day hero. Realizing the racist system would not allow him to practice...
Collection of seven plays that celebrate the actions of black heroes, covering a period of history that begins with Jean-Jaques Dessalines, a leader in the Haitian revolution of 1791 and ends in 1968 with Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination.
"Collected here for the first time are plays many of which have been unavailable for decades which pronounce a black American struggle for freedom, advancement and equality from the days of slavery to the...