Discovery Education (Firm)
This film defines context and its relationship to subject matter, patronage, audience, function, setting, iconography and symbolism in art. Examine the physical, economic, and social contexts which shaped the major categories of art. Learn what questions to ask to better investigate context and meaning and to develop a contextual analysis of a single work or a comparative contextual analysis of two or more works.
This video reviews how studying philosophy and understanding philosophical principles can help one better understand himself or herself and the beliefs of others in the world. Topics include: reasoning, values, ethics, morality, utilitarianism, Divine Command Theory, diversity, and consequentialism.
In this film, Associate Professor of Sociology, Matthew Green and Professor of Sociology, Brenda Forster, examine the social institutions of education and religion. Topics include: the global, U.S., and theoretical perspectives of education; problems in education; the role of religion in society; and the perspectives of Karl Marx, Max Weber and Émile Durkheim.
In this Discovering Math video, viewers will consider methods of displaying data, measures of central tendency, measures of variability, correlation, and line-fitting methods. Topics include: tables, bar graphs, histograms, scatter plots, line graphs, mean-mode-median, standard deviation, curve fitting line, median-fit line, and least-squares regression line.
This film provides an introduction to the history of anthropology as a discipline and explains how physical and cultural anthropology differ. Examine the archaeological methods anthropologist use including artifact collection, ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology, and the grid system.
8) Probability
This program introduces and develops concepts of probability. Topics include: how to calculate probability of some types of random events, how probability can be used in determining costs of insurance, types of random variables (discrete and continuous), independent and dependent events, compound events, conditional probability, normal distributions, and theoretical, experimental, and simulation methods for determining probabilities.
This video highlights the critical thinking and logical reasoning skills necessary to analyze an argument and present a clear position on philosophical issues. The program defines the differences between subjective opinions, justified beliefs, and factual statements demonstrating how to evaluate a statement for logical consistency.
10) Primates
This film reviews the characteristics that differentiate primate species and looks at adaptations that influenced geographic distribution, habits, diet, teeth, and locomotion. The presentation highlights primate classifications including prosimians, anthropoids, and hominoids, and considers social and cultural behaviors among primates.
Studies of the fossil record reveal evolutionary developments in early primates, including Miocene hominoids. This program examines the concept of biocultural evolution relative to other great apes and highlights the dispersal of Genus Homo throughout Africa, Indonesia, China, and Europe.
This video focuses on the elements that make dyadic and small-group communication unique. The presentation explains the role of self-disclosure and psychological and social factors in two-person communication while defining small-group relationships and the factors involved in group dynamics, decision making, and problem solving.
17) Delivery
This video provides an overview of the importance and techniques of speech delivery. Learn about the effects possible through nonverbal cues and spatial communication.
In this Discovering Math video, viewers will consider outliers in data sets, aspects of data interpretation, sampling, and error and uncertainty in statistical inference. Topics include: random samples, biased samples, representative samples, stratified samples, mean, confidence interval, measurement error, misleading data, bias, and data misinterpretation.