David Downing
"C. S. Lewis is generally thought of as a commonsense Christian, one who offers theology that is understandable and morality that is practical. And yet, when writing about Narnia to a class of fifth graders who asked if it were possible to visit Aslan's country, Lewis replied that the only way he knew of was through death but then added this curious qualifier: "Perhaps some very good people get just a tiny glimpse before then." This simple sentence...
Provides an in-depth analysis of the fantasy series in context of the life, teachings, and spiritual views of C.S. Lewis, and includes a glossary of unusual and invented words used in the Narnia Chronicles.
"Published in the early 1950s, C. S. Lewis's seven Chronicles of Narnia were proclaimed instant children's classics and have been hailed in The Oxford Companion to Children's Literature as "the most sustained achievement in fantasy for children...
"Other biographies of Lewis explore his childhood or his dramatic conversion to Christianity. But it was the rarely discussed period from Lewis's childhood to his early thirties that took him on a tumultuous journey of spiritual and intellectual exploration before he became the "most reluctant convert." It was not despite this journey but precisely because of it that Lewis understood the search for life's ultimate meaning so well and went on to become...
Literary scholar, novelist, and Christian apologist, C.S. Lewis was a remarkable and enigmatic man. He is perhaps best known today for his popular series of children's books, the Chronicles of Narnia, which continue to sell more than a million copies a year. He also wrote science fiction in the form of interplanetary fantasies - a series of three novels known as the Ransom Trilogy. This book offers the first full-length critical assessment of that...