Anne E. Duggan
1) Salonnières, furies, and fairies: the politics of gender and cultural change in absolutist France
"Salonnieres, Furies, and Fairies is a study of the works of two of the most prolific seventeenth-century women writers, Madeleine de Scudery and Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy. Analyzing their use of the novel, the chronicle, and the fairy tale, Duggan examines how Scudery and d'Aulnoy responded to and participated in the changes of their society, but from different generational and ideological positions. As both Scudery and d'Aulnoy wrote from within...
"To the uninitiated, the films of French New Wave director Jacques Demy can seem strange and even laughable, with their gaudy color schemes and sung dialogue. Yet since the late 1990s, a generation of queer filmmakers in France have found new inspiration in Demy's cinema. In this volume, author Anne E. Duggan examines Jacques Demy's queer sensibility in connection with another understudied characteristic of his oeuvre: his recurrent use of the fairy...