Educational Broadcasting Corporation
1) Thinking big
Filmed at Princeton's renowned Institute for Advanced Study, National Public Radio's Ira Flatow introduces viewers to some of today's greatest minds through intimate, cross-disciplinary conversations that spotlight science, mathematics, history, linguistics, art, and music. This program brings together six icons of intellect--mathematician John Nash, mathematical biologist Martin Nowak, mathematician Enrico Bombieri, mathematical physicist Freeman...
"In a series of powerful and revealing interviews from inside Israeli prisons, this documentary examines the motives of Palestinian suicide bombers. A recruiter, a bomb builder, and three failed suicide bombers captured by Israeli security forces speak openly of their training, motivation, operational methodology, and profound belief in the idea of entering paradise as a shahid -- a martyr for Islam. They discuss their hatred of Jews and Israel, their...
More than 300 years after the Salem witch trials led to the deaths of 19 innocent people, behavioral psychologist Linnda Caporael has been searching for a rational explanation for the symptoms of bewitchment. Her work has sparked an investigation into wrenching convulsions, vivid deliriums, contaminated crops, hallucinogenic drugs, and a murder victim buried in a bog for 2,300 years. Was bread tainted with toxic fungus the real cause of the symptoms...
6) Killer flu
The video discusses the 1918 flu pandemic, its deadly consequences and the possibility that a similar strain could occur today.
7) Antigone
A filmed play adaptation from the Jean Anouilh reinterpretation of the Sophocles tragedy presents a world of honor, treachery and fateful consequences. Acclaimed actress Genevieve Bujold skillfully combines elements of zealotry and idealism in her affecting portrait of Antigone. First written and produced during the Nazi Occupation, this play about a young woman facing a morally corrupt world raises powerful questions of human interaction in regard...