George Edwards
"Americans currently choose their president through the electoral college, an extraordinarily complex mechanism that may elect the candidate who does not receive the most votes. In this book, George Edwards III argues that - contrary to what supporters of the electoral college claim - there is no real justification for a system that might violate majority rule." "Edwards finds that the electoral college does not protect the interests of small states...
"In this book, George Edwards analyzes the results of hundreds of public opinion polls from recent presidencies to assess the success of these efforts. Surprisingly, he finds that presidents typically are not able to change public opinion, even great, communicators usually fail to obtain the public's support for their high-priority initiatives. According to Edwards, the bully pulpit has proven infective not only for achieving majority support but...
Examines the foreign and domestic policies of President George W Bush's administration. This book analyses how highly polarized - in terms of public opinion and electoral patterns - this presidency has proved to be (in a chapter by the editors). It addresses the processes of decision making especially in respect to the war against Iraq.