J. Harold Ellens
From the Publisher: What is the Bible's stance on such controversial issues as homosexuality and polygamy? What does it have to say about sexual behaviors that some would deem perverted or criminal? Is sex always wrong if it is not used to create life? Ellens answers these and other questions in a book that argues that our understanding of what the Bible has to say about sex is frequently misguided. He corrects our impressions with a look at the Scriptures...
This extensive series explores themes including the seeds of violence in Biblical interpretation, human sacrifice in the Old Testament, violent religious metaphors, the violent messiah, linguistic and psychoanalytic approaches to religious themes, the jihad in context and in the Qur'an, fundamentalism and violence, and the psychoreligious roots of violence.
"Thirty-four experts from seven countries gather here to show us how the various schools of psychology interpret the Scriptures, from sexual laws and beliefs about shame to the personalities of Jesus, Job and the prophet Ezekiel. A range of psychological perspectives from Freud to Kohut is chronicled, demonstrating a broad spectrum of applications from the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament."--BOOK JACKET.