Andrew Evans
A devout young boy in rural Ohio, Andrew Evans had his life mapped for him: baptism, mission, Brigham Young University, temple marriage, and children of his own. But as an awkward gay kid, bullied and bored, he escaped into the glossy pages of National Geographic and the wide promise of the world atlas. Eventually ejected from church and shunned by his family, Evans embarked on an ambitious overland journey halfway across the world. Riding public...
"Combining intellectual and cultural history with the history of science, Anthropology at War examines both the origins and consequences of this shift. Evans locates its roots in the decision to allow scientists access to prisoner-of-war camps, which prompted them to focus their research on racial studies of the captives. Caught up in wartime nationalism, a new generation of anthropologists began to portray the country's political enemies as racially...
Currently a major on active duty with the U.S. Army, Huelfer served as lead planner for the Coalition Forces Land Component Command in Kuwait in 2003. He argues that casualty aversion is not a new phenomenon in American history. Examining the "casualty issue" during the years between the World Wars, he finds that Americans demonstrated a strong aversion to combat casualties at that time, which visibly influenced the U.S. Army corps and its officers....