Robert Fagles
2) The Odyssey
The Odyssey is considered to be one of the greatest pieces of world literature. Its basic story--the homecoming of Odysseus--is widely known. Although it has often been translated, earlier versions do not give the reader the full sense of its oral epic nature as a song that came into being through a long tradition of sung performances before writing was widely practiced. When finally written down, it retained its oral-formulaic nature in ways that...
"When Paris of Troy fell in love with Helen of Sparta and took her to his homeland, the princes of Greece launched a fleet of a thousand ships filled with armed men to bring her back. Led by Helen's brother-in-law, Agamemnon, this immense force would besiege Troy for 10 years in a staggering effort to rescue the princess. The Iliad is the story of Achilles, the greatest warrior of this decade-long war, and his desperate but ultimately futile battle...
4) The Iliad
The centuries old epic about the wrath of Achilles is rendered into modern English verse by a renowned translator and accompanied by an introduction that reassesses the identity of Homer. In Robert Fagles' beautifully rendered text, the Iliad overwhelms us afresh. The huge themes -- godlike, yet utterly human of savagery and calculation, of destiny defied, of triumph and grief -- compel our own humanity. Time after time, one pauses and re-reads before...
5) The Aeneid
"Written by the Roman poet Virgil more than two thousand years ago, the story of Aeneas' seven-year journey from the ruins of Troy to Italy, where he becomes the founding ancestor of Rome, is a narrative on an epic scale: Aeneas and his companions contend not only with human enemies but with the whim of the gods. His destiny preordained by Jupiter, Aeneas is nevertheless assailed by dangers invoked by the goddess Juno, and by the torments of love,...
6) The Odyssey
"In this classic program, translator Robert Fagles, Librarian of Congress Emeritus Daniel Boorstin, classicist Bernard Knox, archaeologist Sarantis Symeonoglou, art historian Diana Buitron-Oliver, and Steven Tracy, of the Ohio State University, retrace Odysseus' journey, link it to modern experience, and show how the images and events portrayed in the epic poem continue to resonate in literature, philosophy, and the visual arts. The themes of ego,...