Flight 33 Productions (Firm)
Disc 1: Tour the surface of Earth's life-giving star. Mars may be the future of humanity - uses data collected from probes and robotic rovers. Scars on the planet's surface and in its fossil record illustrate the threat posed by meteorites, comets, and asteroids that routinely collide with Earth. Two and a half times the size of all the other planets in the solar system combined, and half a billion miles from Earth, Jupiter is a colossal riddle.
What would happen if every human being on Earth disappeared? This isn't the story of how we might vanish, it is the story of what happens to the world we leave behind. Examine how the very landscape of planet Earth would change in our absence. A stunningly graphic journey to a world wiped clean of humanity.
Examines the impact of the seven deadly sins on mankind throughout the ages. Learn how the concept originated - as a way to keep a lustful fourth-century monk from sinning again - and how the sins were pared down from eight to the seven we recognize today: gluttony, lust, greed, anger, sloth, envy, and pride. For Catholic faithful they became a guide on the path to heaven. To repeat offenders, they promised damnation in Hell and very specific, very...