Matthew Fox
"In 1517, Martin Luther, disgusted with the corruption then reigning in the Catholic Church, nailed on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, 95 theses calling for a Reformation. During Pentecost week 2005, former Dominican priest Matthew Fox reenacted Luther's call, posting at the same Castle Church a new set of 95 theses calling for a reawakening of the Christian spirit and a repudiation of the authoritarian, punitive tendencies that...
When destiny calls, the Oceanic 6 frantically race back to the island. As a result of Ben moving the island, the survivors left on the island begin skipping through time. The survivors discover that they've run into The Others 50 years in the past, but Richard Alpert is the same age. In Los Angeles, Kate tries to find out who is trying to take Aaron away from her. In order to avoid being killed, Ben promises to offer proof to Sun that Jin is still...