France 3 cinéma (Firm)
Vermeer, born in 1632, lived in Delft all of his life and was influenced by Rembrandt. His work consisted of a series of variations on enigmatic interiors. Only 34 of his paintings are known to exist. In this program, video graphics are used to focus on the key elements of The Astronomer for the purpose of analyzing its structure and composition.
Leonardo da Vinci began his career around 1472 in Florence as a portrait painter. This program examines ten elements in da Vinci's The Virgin, the Infant Jesus, and Saint Anne: darkness and light, volume and color, figure and setting, distance, proximity, movement, and rest. In this painting, Saint Anne wears her hair braided. Her eyes are lowered and she is smiling. On her knees, the Virgin Mary is shown in a low-neck dress, leaning toward the infant...
The setting of a Roman gallery brings together four characters in van Eyck's The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin. Nicolas Rolin, the Duke of Burgundy's minister of finance, is on his knees before the Madonna, who is being crowned by an angel. Rolin is being blessed by the infant Jesus. Outside, a rich landscape is peopled with a number of unknown characters. The work is analyzed as a complex painting, difficult to decipher.
This fantastically twisted fairy tale is chock-full of curious characters and special effects. A sad and heartbroken madman, Krank, is aging prematurely because he can't dream. He kidnaps little children, hoping that eventually he will find a way to steal their sleeping thoughts. The story takes the form of a quest, as a sentimental harpooner-turned-fairground strongman, One, sets out to find his young brother on a dilapidated oil rig. He soon falls...
"In a provincial French apartment block, Monsieur Hire endures a solitary life of dulling work as a tailor and vitriolic scorn from his neighbors. Hire's only solace is an occasional night out bowling and the voyeuristic admiration of his neighbor. ... When police discover the nude body of another young woman in a nearby vacant lot, Hire becomes the prime suspect in a murder investigation"--Container
Amélie is a young woman who had a decidedly unusual childhood; misdiagnosed with an unusual heart condition, Amélie didn't attend school with other children, but spent most of her time in her room, where she developed a keen imagination and an active fantasy life. Despite all this, Amélie has grown into a healthy and beautiful young woman who works in a Paris cafe and has a whimsical, romantic nature. She decides to step into the lives of others...
Deep below snowy, cobblestone streets, tucked away in networks of winding subterranean tunnels, lives a civilization of hardworking mice, terrified of the bears who live above ground. Unlike her fellow mice, Celestine is an artist and a dreamer, and when she nearly ends up as breakfast for ursine troubadour Ernest, the two form an unlikely bond.
12) The artist
In 1927, George Valentin is a silent movie superstar. However, the advent of the talkies will kill his career and he will sink into oblivion. For young extra Peppy Miller, it seems the sky's the limit as major movie stardom awaits. Though their careers are taking different paths their destinies will become entwined.
13) A cat in Paris
In Paris, a cat who lives a secret life as a cat burglar's aide must come to the rescue of Zoe, a neighborhood girl whose mother is a police superintendent, after she falls into a gangster's clutches.