Mark Gatiss
1) The father
As a man ages, he adamantly refuses assistance from his daughter and grapples with the challenges of his changing circumstances. Doubting his loved ones, his own mind, and the very fabric of his reality, he navigates through a world where caregivers come and go, memories fade, and his perception of family and home becomes increasingly elusive. As the boundaries between truth and illusion blur, his struggle with dementia unfolds, revealing a poignant...
Early eighteenth-century England is at war with the French. A frail Queen Anne occupies the throne, and her friend Lady Sarah tends to her ill health. When a new servant Abigail arrives, Sarah takes her under her wing, and Abigail sees a chance at a return to her aristocratic roots. As the politics of war become time-consuming for Sarah, Abigail steps in to fill in as the Queen's companion. Their growing friendship gives her a chance to fulfill her...
3) Wolf Hall
Thomas Cromwell is a brutal blacksmith's son who rises from the ashes of personal disaster and deftly picks his way through a court where 'man is wolf to man.' King Henry VIII is obsessed with protecting the Tudor dynasty by securing his succession with a male heir to the throne. Told from Cromwell's perspective, "Wolf Hall" follows the complex machinations and back room dealings of this pragmatic and accomplished power broker who must serve king...
British comedy television series based on two very different twenty-something people, Daisy Steiner and Tim Bisley, who pretend to be a professional couple to secure tenancy of a North London flat. The two along with their assortment of co-conspirators, tortured artist Brian, would-be soldier Mike, fashion fascist Twist, rock casualty landlady Marsha and Colin the dog, tackle the big questions of the 21st century.