Patrice Gauthier
1) Paris: 1900
It is the turn of the century-fin de sià ̈cle. This program captures that magical period in all of its glory on archival film by the renowned Lumiere brothers. Take a personal tour of the World's Fair, attend the Opera Comique, view Rodin's Gates of Hell, visit with Picasso and the Impressionists. This is Paris at the end of a major cultural epoch.
2) Paris: 1900
It is the turn of the century-fin de siecle. This program captures that magical period in all of its glory on archival film by the renowned Lumiere brothers. Take a personal tour of the World's Fair, attend the Opera Comique, view Rodin's Gates of Hell, visit with Picasso and the Impressionists. This is Paris at the end of a major cultural epoch.