Global Screen GmbH.
This documentary uncovers who profits from intellectual property, and who bears the economic and social consequences. In 2012, giant technology companies like Apple and Google invested more money into patent infringement lawsuits than they spent on the development of new innovations. But it is not a virtual war being fought only over market shares and equity prices. Filmmaker Hannah Leonie Prinzler interviews British inventor James Dyson and American...
The genetic engineering lobby boasts their modified plants require fewer pesticides and result in higher yields, increasingly pressures politicians and governments, and wants to extend its network worldwide. This program provides an insight into the controversial campaigns of the genetic engineering lobby and shows the role that the goal of profit maximization across the entire value added chain is having.
How does nature go without cleaning supplies? How do insects and geckos stick to the ceiling without any adhesives? And how do natural colors turn out shiny, without solvent-based paint? Nature does not require chemical industry. Material scientists study the 'inventions' of nature and today they are able to understand the way textiles work more and more. Through this close look at nature, we discover naturally sustainable perspectives for the future....
Amazing but true: On the way from the farm to the dining-room table, more than half the food lands on the dump. Most of it before it ever reaches consumers. Why are ever-greater quantities being destroyed? This documentary seeks explanations from supermarket sales staff and managers, bakers, wholesale market inspectors, industrial agriculture workers, farmers and EU bureaucrats.
In this film, watch as researchers investigate the deceptive underside of eco-agriculture and organic food production. Though organic products are largely considered the way of the future, sly measures are taken to promote products that are not actually organic while workers are exploited in poor conditions to produce the amount of organic goods desired by discount markets. From a turkey-fattening farm in Germany to a chicken farm in China to prawn...
The Red Hackers in China, Unit 8200 in Israel, NATO, and the NSA all gather information on civilians and enemies through cyber warfare. In this video, Marcel Kolvenbach delves into these organizations and other private institutions that hack into computer networks for economic and political gain. Watch how Felix "FX" Linder successfully shuts off the power in Germany.
Shin Dong-Huyk was born on November 19, 1983 in a North Korean death camp. Hear the story of how his parents met and how he was made to watch the execution of his mother and brother. Forced to work from age 7, he endured starvation, beatings, and torture that left him with deformed arms. His desire to risk death for attempting an escape came at the age of 24 when he learned about the outside world from a new inmate. He journeyed through North Korea...
This film explores a scientific debate on the culture, or lack thereof, of great apes. Internationally acclaimed primatologist Christophe Boesch and colleague Michael Tomasello investigate the behavior of chimpanzees in the wild and in captivity to assess their behaviors and begin to understand why certain groups develop skills differently than others. A conflict exists in the scientific community with some scientists believing that apes certainly...
9) Urban Future
The production of home construction materials like concrete uses a very high amount of raw materials. What can we deduce from the adaptability of animals and plants that would help us create a more sustainable world today? The second episode in this four part series deals with the real estate of nature: plants and sponges. Just as human dwellings they are bound to locations and forced to find the best survival strategy on their "land." Over millions...
11) Istanbul
Every week, over one million people around the world move from the country to the city in search of better jobs, education, infrastructure and resources. But can all those dreams come true? "Urban Future" is a voyage of discovery through the mega-cities of our new millennium, showing how people take initiatives to improve their lives and launch projects to shape their homes and neighborhoods.
In oil producing countries like Nigeria and Russia, companies are systematically burning off natural gas produced as a drilling by-product to save money. Gas flaring burns one third of Europe's total demand every year, resulting in 400 million tons of greenhouse gases and contributing to climate change. Village residents located near flaring stations in Nigeria are suffering from poor health and have crops contaminated by heavy metals and acid rain....
13) Faces of Islam
Part four of Faces of Islam is a cinematic journey into the wondrous and varied world of 1.5 billion Muslims. Witness the everyday lives of modern Islam practitioners - scholars, teachers and activists who view their faith as a philosophy and instrument of social change, and seek to adapt it to the modern world. Journey into mosques, markets, schools, workshops, and music studios and get answers to questions about beliefs, traditions, gender roles,...
The most common diseases in our society today, cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease and diabetes, are a concern for everyone. Yet, those who are diagnosed with them often feel helpless as they search for answers in a muddle of conflicting information. This film, the second in a four-part documentary series, accompanies doctors and patients as they battle illness and despair for a life that is filled with hope. What successes have been achieved in the...
The invention of the airplane was only a first step. Engineers enviously look at the sky and marvel at the elegance of their natural role models. Other researchers hope to develop amphibious spider vehicles or actuators that work like fish fins. Numerous examples of efficient locomotion can be found in nature. And many of these sustainable ideas are still unexploited. There is an enormous, still neglected potential. The first episode gives an introduction...
Alexander Schlichter and Sascha Karberg learn the ropes from real US biohackers, and set up their own kitchen lab in the back of an old van to examine their own genetic information. But it soon becomes clear their home-brew experiments can pose a very real danger. They try to get access to potentially dangerous gene material and visit a US biohacker suspected of bioterrorism by the FBI. They ask a German virus researcher how dangerous biohacking really...
18) Order in Chaos
Our human habitat has radically changed through communication technology and media. Economic processes require decisions by the minute and in our cities traffic control is becoming increasingly complex. Globally we take more and more environmental risks and our receptiveness is reaching its limit. Can a close look at nature help solve these challenges? In the third episode in this four part series on biomimicry, we learn how to decode dolphin communication;...
19) Cape Town
Every week, over one million people around the world move from the country to the city in search of better jobs, education, infrastructure and resources. But can all those dreams come true? "Urban Future" is a voyage of discovery through the megacities of our new millennium, showing how people take initiatives to improve their lives and launch projects to shape their homes and neighborhoods. In this episode, learn how grassroots community projects...
It is one of the more serious and complex problems of our time: hunger. This film is a worldwide search for clues, a search for connections, and for solutions- the answers are not so far out of reach. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, our world should have the resources to nourish 12 billion people. Yet worldwide, one billion are suffering from chronic hunger. Syz, the former State Secretary for Economic Affairs of Switzerland, seeks...