Michael Grant
"The Roman Forum (Latin: Forum Romanum, Italian: Foro Romano) is a rectangular forum (plaza) surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome. Citizens of the ancient city referred to this space, originally a marketplace, as the Forum Magnum, or simply the Forum. It was for centuries the center of Roman public life: the site of triumphal processions and elections; the venue for public speeches,...
"The Herod of popular tradition is the tyrannical King of Judaea who ordered the Massacre of the Innocents and died a terrible death in 4 BC as the judgment of God. But this biography paints a much more complex picture of this contemporary of Mark Antony, Cleopatra, and the Emperor Augustus. Herod devoted his life to the task of keeping the Jews prosperous and racially intact. To judge by the two disastrous Jewish rebellions that occurred within a...
"In The Collapse and Recovery of the Roman Empire Michael Grant examines the reasons for the collapse of the third-century Roman Empire including analyses of the succession of emperors, the Germans and the Persians and conversely, the reasons for its recovery including discussions of strong emperors, a reconstituted army, finance and coinage and state religion." "The Collapse and Recovery of the Roman Empire presents a concise study of third-century...
This biography of Nero penetrates the mists of ancient myth and fantasy, and paints a balanced picture of Nero, man and emperor. Ruler of the gigantic Roman Empire at a time of great material and cultural splendour, he refused to fit into the traditional mould. Preferring Greek custom to Roman, he was an enlightened patron of the visual arts and passionately fond of athletics, music and the theatre. It was unprecedented for a ruler to attach more...
"The Greek and Roman myths and legends are an indispensable part of our cultural heritage -- drawn upon by painters and writers through the centuries, told and retold all over the world. Together they add up to one of the greatest imaginative achievements in the history of civilization; and yet the narratives of the myths themselves, today, are often only half-remembered. This scholarly and comprehensive book presents, in alphabetical order, clear...
18) The Etruscans
Traces the history of the Etruscan city-states and their achievements in art, agriculture, politics, and trade.