Francine du Plessix Gray
The novel begins and ends in Nantucket, but roams forty years of American culture from the 1940's to the 1980's through the lives of three friends whose paths diverge and converge. Edmund, Claire, and Sophie, friends--and sometimes lovers--for thirty years, travel to the Soviet Union, hoping to plan for the last third of their lives and to resolve the struggles and confusions of the previous three decades.
2) Simone Weil
In Simone Weil, du Plessix Gray vividly evokes the life a patriot, mystic, and activist, a pampered intellectual who believed in the redemptive value of manual labor, an ascetic who craved sensuous beauty, the daughter of a secular Jewish family who yearned to enter the Catholic Church, Simone Weil died at the age of thirty-four after a long struggle with anorexia. But her tremendous intellectual legacy foreshadowed many of the twentieth century's...