David Grubin
Weaves the lives of Abraham and Mary Lincoln; Abraham, the dirt-farmer's son turned Great Emancipator, and Mary, the emotionally fragile daughter of wealthy Southern slave-owners. Together, they ascended to the pinnacle of power at a crucial time in the nation's history. Abraham Lincoln's legacy reshaped the nation while the tragedy of his death left Mary reclusive and forgotten.
This series explores the startling new map of the brain that has emerged from the past decade of neuroscience and shares a revelatory view of this most complicated organ, which now contradicts much of what we previously believed. Narrated by actress Blair Brown, the series tells stories through a mix of personal histories, expert commentary and cutting-edge animation. Viewers will not only learn startling new truths about the brain, they will voyage...
"Ancient medical science told us our minds and bodies are one. So did philosophers of old. Now, modern science and new research are helping us to understand these connections. In Healing and the Mind, Bill Moyers talks with physicians, scientists, therapists, and patients - people who are taking a new look at the meaning of sickness and health. In a series of fascinating and provocative interviews, he discusses their search for answers to perplexing...
"Twenty-five years ago, renowned scholar Joseph Campbell sat down with veteran journalist Bill Moyers for a series of interviews that became one of the most enduringly popular programs ever aired on PBS. In dialogues that adroitly span millennia of history and far-flung geography, the two men discuss myths as metaphors for human experience and the path to transcendence, touching on topics as diverse as world religion, heroic figures, and pop culture....
What is it like to live with a life-threatening illness? Can fear, anger, and joy be translated into movement? In this program, journalist Bill Moyers and filmmaker David Grubin give viewers a rare glimpse into dancer/choreographer Bill T. Jones's highly acclaimed dance, "Still/Here." At workshops around the country, people facing life-threatening illnesses are asked to remember the highs and lows of their lives, and even imagine their own deaths....
Traces the early life of Sigmund Freud, from his birth in 1856 to the publication of his landmark book, The Interpretation of Dreams, in 1900. Part Two follows Freud's research and examines his revolutionary theories, now part of the fabric of 20th-century thought and shaping of contemporary notions of identity, memory, childhood, and sexuality.