Robert Harvey
"Today Global Communism seems just a terrible memory, an expressionist nightmare as horrific as Nazism and the Holocaust, or the slaughter in the First World War." "In the 1970s, with the fall of South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, the march of Marxism-Leninism across the world seemed irresistible. Less than two decades later the experiment had collapsed, leaving perhaps 100 million dead, as well as economic devastation spanning continents. Even now...
The comic strip was created by rival newspapers of the Hearst and the Pulitzer organizations as a device for increasing circulation. In the United States it quickly became an institution that soon spread worldwide as a favorite form of popular culture. What made the comic strip so enduring? This fascinating study by one of the few comics critics to develop sound critical principles by which to evaluate the comics as works of art and literature unfolds...
In this collection of more than a dozen interviews one of the giants of American comic strips talks about his life and his craft. The years spanning 1937 to 1986, when the interviews were conducted, embrace almost all of Caniff's career as he was producing the legendary Terry and the Pirates and his post-World War II masterpiece Steve Canyon. In long interviews with such comics luminaries as Jules Feiffer and Will Eisner, Caniff (1907-1988) discusses...
"Historical Dictionary of Shamanism explores the common ground of shamanic traditions and evaluates the diversity of both traditional indigenous communities and individual Western seekers through an introduction, a bibliography, a chronology, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries that explore the features of shamans, the purposes of shamanism, the functions and activities of the shaman, and the cultural contexts in which shamanism makes...