Michael L Hays
"Shakespearean Tragedy as Chivalric Romance: Rethinking Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear interprets these plays less as tragedies after their protagonists than as romances according to the figures and motifs coloring and shaping them." "The author counters the conventional wisdom and its biases against romance, and questions received opinion about literary genre and cultural history. He presents historical, bibliographic, and literary evidence...
"Shakespeare and Spenser: Attractive opposites is a much-needed volume that brings together ten original essays on the relations between Spenser and Shakespeare. There has been much noteworthy work on the linguistic borrowings of Shakespeare from Spenser, but the subject has never before been treated systematically; and the linguistic borrowings lead to broader-scale borrowings and influences which are treated here. An additional feature of the book...