Robert M Hazen
In this radical new approach to Earth's biography, senior Carnegie Institution researcher and national bestselling author Robert M. Hazen reveals how the co-evolution of the geosphere and biosphere--of rocks and living matter--has shaped our planet into the only one of its kind in the Solar System, if not the entire cosmos.
"Spanning centuries of ground-breaking science, bitter rivalry, outright fraud, and self-delusion, The Diamond Makers is a narrative centered around the brilliant, often eccentric, and controversial pioneers of high-pressure research. This blend of dramatic personal stories and extraordinary scientific advances - and devastating failures - brings alive the quest to create diamond. Scientists have harnessed crushing pressures and scorching temperatures...
The authors have traced the evolution of the American band from its inception to the end of World War I, focusing on its sociological, rather than purely musical aspects. The relationship of band and band leader to community is clarified by the Hazens' basically democratic approach; even a miniscule ten-piece band from Oswayo, Pennsylvania is treated with affectionate respect. The book is lavishly illustrated with archival photographs, programs and...