Richard Heinberg
Foreword / Chellis Glendinning -- Pt. I. Civilization Reconsidered. 1. Our Covenants with Nature. 2. Fateful Choices, Then and Now. 3. Catastrophe and Culture. 4. Collective Trauma and the Origin of Civilization. 5. What Are Our Options? 6. Toward a Rebirth of Culture -- Pt. II. The Anatomy of Cultural Renewal. 7. The Arts: Bringing Spirit Down to Earth. 8. Economics: Is Money Evil? 9. Governance: Freedom, Necessity, and Power. 10. Spirituality: Raw...
This is a presentation of a globe-spanning cross-cultural survey of the universal story of Paradise through a tapestry of myth, religion, history and oral tradition. It examines the related myths of creation, the fall from grace and subsequent floods and catastrophes, providing a comprehensive look at the main elelments of world myth and their possible meanings. Heinberg demonstrates how the vision and memory of Paradise have infused human endeavour...
"Is it "fair" for wealthy people to buy genes to assure their offspring good looks, health, and high intelligence?" "Are tomatoes, genomically spliced to include fish genes because of their anti-aging properties, acceptable food for vegetarians?" "If biotech can cure cystic fibrosis and other diseases and alleviate world hunger, wouldn't it be morally wrong not to pursue it?" "Richard Heinberg tackles some of the thorniest ethical questions we face....
"Resource depletion and population pressures are about to catch up with us and no one is prepared. Oil is running out and, if the U.S. continues with current policies, the next decades will be marked by war, economic collapse, and environmental catastrophe." "There are alternatives. A "Powerdown" strategy, for example, would aim to reduce per-capita resource usage in wealthy countries, develop alternative energy sources, distribute resources more...