Kenneth G. Henshall
"Many questions are examined in Folly and Fortune in Early British History, in which Kenneth Henshall attempts to restore human beings, with all their human failings and eccentricities, to a central role in history. In particular, he turns the spotlight on human folly and its decisive influence on some of the key events and epochal turning-points in British history between Caesar's invasion and the Norman Conquest." "Many historians believe it impossible...
In a rare collection of comprehensive coverage and sustained critical focus, this book examines Japanese history in its entirety to identify the factors underlying the nation's progression to superpower status. Japan's achievement is explained not merely in economic terms, but at a more fundamental level, as a product of historical patterns of response to circumstance. Japan is shown to be a nation historically impelled by a pragmatic determination...
The first translation presented in this collection of Katai's writings is The Quilt, his best-known work. The seven other stories included here, of which only one has been previously translated into English, are illustrative of Katai's views of nature and demonstrate the subtle depictive technique that he developed--Jacket.