Burton Hersh
At the heart of The Shadow President is a controversial idea - that, more than his brothers, Ted Kennedy has come to be the most influential political figure of this generation. Jack and Bobby may have the stronger grip on the American psyche, but Burton Hersh makes clear that it is Ted who has done the hard work of writing laws and fighting on the issues. Despite decades of tabloid headlines sparked by Kennedy's often chaotic personal life, Hersh...
"The Old Boys is the first book to trace the evolution of America's fledgling intelligence apparatus from its origins in the aftermath of World War I to its climactic debacle at the Bay of Pigs. This is the never-before told story of how an elite East Coast Ivy League Wall Street clique, patriotic but arrogant, and often amateurish, dominated the OSS and later the CIA. Taking a hitherto unexplored perspective on the years between the wars, Burton...