Robert A. Hill
During World War II, an unprecedented wave of militant black protest and activism swept through the United States, setting the stage for the civil rights movements of the 1950s and 1960s. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover perceived this racial turmoil as a threat not only to wartime mobilization efforts but also to the preservation of a stable, segregated society, and ordered an extensive, nationwide investigation and surveillance of African Americans...
2) Black empire
George Samuel Schuyler, was a noted black satirist of the early 20th century. This book is an intricate tale of black nationalism, science fiction, and incredible feats of derring-do intended to bolster black pride and accomplishment in the uneasy years before World War II. The book originally ran as weekly serialized fiction in the Philadelphia Courier from 1936 to 1938. Principal character Dr. Henry Belsidus is obsessed with releasing blacks from...