Stewart H. Holbrook
A "history of the Old Post Road, from pre-Revolutionary times to the mid-19th century. This famous road ran by three routes from Boston to New Haven and from there, joined to New York City. The book touches on taverns, stagecoaches, and the vexed question of turnpikes, and there are bits of. . . history of towns and cities along the way."
"The story of the empire builders, the robber barons and the great tycoons, who, in their search for wealth and power, changed the course of history"--Jacket subtitle. Includes material on Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, John Davison Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Daniel Drew, Jim Fisk, Edward Henry Harriman, Du Pont family, John Pierpont Morgan, Andrew W. Mellon, Insull family, Jay Gould, Henry Clay Frick, Charles M. Schwab, Gustavus Franklin Swift,...
Mr. Holbrook has dredged our past from 1620 to Pearl Harbor for important figures who have contributed to America's development, but who, because of the passage of time or the vagaries of history, are now obscure and forgotten. Although their names may be unknown, these men and women reveal the pattern of our national genius--a genius for the unconventional that no other nation can match. That is why they make a truly fascinating parade in the pages...